
« Prev1 / 3Next »Apple Classroom Setup and OverviewJAMF Teacher App Overview1:1 Macbook SetupHow to Create Device Groups in JAMF SchoolHow to Create a Class in JAMF SchoolProfiles in JAMF SchoolHow to Purchase and Assign Apps for JAMF SchoolHow to Create an Apple School Manager AccountJAMF School's OverviewSubmitting and Approving Work - SeeSawHow to Add [...]

ITdynamics attends the Kuwaiti Institute for Scientific Research (KISR)

Earlier this year I had the privilege of being invited to present a lecture at the Kuwaiti Institute for Scientific Research KISR (counterpart to our CSIRO).

A Better way in SharePoint

Most of you are familiar with SharePoint, and I’m sure most of you have your thoughts on how well it works for you.

A lot of the pain has come from the way files are accessed when they are saved on SharePoint. The majority of people are currently either accessing them through teams or accessing them via the SharePoint website and then opening the documents up in word online.

Screen time on iOS

With the recent release of iOS 12 for iPhones and iPads, a barrage of new features has hit devices which have been updated. One of the biggest new features is Screen Time.

Protecting your data in 2019

In the past year schools have lost thousands of dollars due to fraudulent activity either through malware infecting their computers or unauthorised users having access to their mailing accounts.

New Microsoft Licensing – Be Prepared

Some of you may or may not have read about the new Microsoft Licensing as yet. For those of you who don’t know about it as yet, every year your school pays an annual subscription for Microsoft Licensing usually to a company called SoftwareOne formally trading as Computelec. This annual license will now cost your school […]

We have setup Google Apps… Now what?

Starting this year many schools went down the pathway of setting up Google Apps as a replacement for SINA mail and My Classes. Your Admin account is setup and no doubt you have a few teacher accounts in there who have logged on once of twice as a result of doing a staff PD a […]

Faster, Stronger and Twice The Speed!

With the new CathEdNet Router installation now almost complete in the schools many of you may be asking what the point of the exercise is besides replacing some old hardware. Terminology such as “Hot / Cold”, QOS, double the bandwidth are some of the terms being thrown around and i’m sure some of you are […]